AFCC– Handouts and resources for families.
Attorney General of Texas – Publications with helpful information.
Collaborative Divorce Texas
Divorce Net The Net’s Largest Divorce Resource since May 1995! Search for professional services and resources for each state. Visit their interactive bulletin boards on Custody & Visitation, Divorce Mediation, Parenting Issues, Step family Issues.
Early Childhood Intervention 1-800-628-5115
Kids Metroplex A list of parent resources for Dallas and Fort Worth.
Our Family Wizard Custody and Communication Made Easy. – The OurFamilyWizard® website – Coparenting and shared/joint child custody management for divorced or unmarried parents. Parenting time, visitation schedules, activities, expenses, messaging, journals and more.
Positive Parenting Online Dedicated to providing resources and information to make parenting rewarding, effective, and fun.
Sesame Street – With Little Children, Big Challenges: Divorce, Sesame Street has created much-needed resources for families with young children (ages 2-8) as they encounter the tough transitions that come with divorce.
Shared Parenting Information Group Promoting responsible shared parenting after separation or divorce.
Texas Education Agency, Office of Special Education
Good Blogs – Good sources of practical information about Collaborative Law
Collaborative Divorce Texas: Statewide organization providing information about Collaborative Law in Texas